It's Gonna Be Alright
Poem Launching Down to Earth Bible Talk
From sermon 'The Good News Inside the Bad News' Jeremiah 29:11
Fear not the terrors of night
Schemes of devil parasites
Pandemic blues and money tight
Death dealers our nations plight
Killing provoked from lies they write
But you got might of Christ light
Jesus One Love acolytes
Radical compassion acts/ the good fight
New you ensues in 22/ shine bright
It’s gonna be alright…alright
My brothers my sisters my Huemans
It’s gonna be alright
Imbue the new you with holy glue
Hold yourself together in America’s
Hostile weather soul tethered
To Holy Ghost breath that blesses
Caresses and presses to new levels
Over old devils so we rebel and revel
Like James Bevel with Gospel shovel
Flex muscle like Bill Russell
Hustle to win the tussle
Struggle to hover above troubles
Defeated never/Hindrances severed
Cause like Badu say We clever
Put hater instigators in muzzle
Bust bubble of fear and ill will
Dump garbage in landfill/ abstain
Toxic mind states ingrained in brain
Sow hope like grain and strain to maintain
Rooted down to earth for new birth
New you living true to your worth
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