Spiritual for Mama
keep your hand on the plow
keep your hand on the plow
don’t you bend nor ever bow
though sack-loads of troubles
beat on your brow
and busy devils connive
to cut you down
set your feet in Jah solid ground
don’t you ever bend nor bow
keep your hand on the plow
keep your feet on rocky road
keep your feet on rocky road
let your steps be always bold
though twisty paths
be hard to hold
and you sweat and strain
from Jah heavy load
don’t gain the world and lose your soul
keep your feet on Jah rocky road
let your steps be always bold
keep your feet on Jah rocky road
I’m a witness to healing fire
I’m a witness to Jah healing fire
love unfolding lifts me out mire
through fights and struggles
I never tire
though world weighs me down
Jah love is my desire
redemption songs inspire
from celestial choir
love lifts me higher
I am witness to Jah healing fire
Artwork by John T. Biggers, “Shotgun, Third Ward #1,” 1966
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