Tall As Trees

Tall As Trees a Poem by Greg Powell for Being Hueman

Tall as Trees

(against state sponsored abuse of any Hueman’s child)

Under soft yellow lights
Clothes racks, tags hanging
Like strange fruit, towered over
Little me. I couldn’t see
Over them to find daddy
Who was taller than trees.
Stay right there he told me
But, I wandered, into a strange land
A hostile place, clothes rack
Closing in for the kill, or worse
The separation, from dad, my rock
And mom waiting at home to pour
Love like sweet tea into me, never
To be seen again, my captivity
Complete my rage and fear
And through my tears, knowing that
Is eternal, clothes rack beasts
Surrounding me my soul is lost I
Grind teeth and whimper and cry for
My daddy’s arms
Absent in retail maze and monsters
And cry until I am old enough to