Momma’s Redemption Song

Greg Powell reprises one of his most cherished encouragements

Son, raise up your head Child raise up our head Though this old world Full of killing and dread Remember child what Jesus said Don’t gain the world and lose your soul Pray and press so hope takes hold Son raise up Your head Son don’t let nothing turn you around Child don’t let nobody turn you around Though wicked […]

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Daddy Sings of Mother

For Deborah on Mother's Day by Greg Powell

I walked the overnight crying baby shifts Changed diapers wipes baby shit and vomit Off ruined shirts never to be worn again Carried the babies, little heads bouncing off chest In journeys through city adventures Stuck bottles of pumped breast milk in puckering lips So often that Jon at thirteen says mom I mean dad And even the college boy […]

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Mother’s Day in Summer’s Snow

Mother's Day poem by Greg Powell dedicated to Joetta Powell

Mother’s Day in Summer’s Snow As those last memories Of those emaciated words Your life’s summation sowed As umbilical legacy into mine Your first born: I’ll be alright After a while. And you knew this By faith and not by sight That like dandelion sprinkling Seed as white as the cotton You picked as a little girl Sickly in the […]

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