Psalm of Uplift

Greg Powell's Psalm of Uplift a poem dedicated to women

Lift handbag of regretful weight From sturdy shoulders Beloved, Shuddering in dance of tears Beneath strength profile. You got Enough weight to negotiate, Enough faith in your feet to press Against headwinds and jagged road, Migration through daily wilderness To your dreams. Ease into now Where peace and power reside. Within you is the fruit bearing seed Of your regrets. […]

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Fists, Bullets and Blood

Fists Bullets and Blood, a poem of uplift to my brothers by Greg Powell

Brother, I know rage like lava In dormant volcano pressed down By four centuries of stone stresses To explosions only we can feel, and Women we love and children we seed And community we embody, scarred by misdirected fists and bullets and blood. I say to you dying is a waste of life Rage inchoate is a waste of love […]

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