Pride in His Stride

Pride in His Stride is a poem inspired by Greg's son's graduation

Ancestral pride is in his stride, His destiny forward march Refined in pressure of midnight hours Refusing surrender to slumber as mind Wrestled with knowledge until It blessed and changed his name. I Don’t know him, but feel his triumphant Procession around the corner, walking In flight to future purchased by prayers. Warm breeze dripping off robe Like black wings/ […]

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Fists, Bullets and Blood

Fists Bullets and Blood, a poem of uplift to my brothers by Greg Powell

Brother, I know rage like lava In dormant volcano pressed down By four centuries of stone stresses To explosions only we can feel, and Women we love and children we seed And community we embody, scarred by misdirected fists and bullets and blood. I say to you dying is a waste of life Rage inchoate is a waste of love […]

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Unchained Generation

Unchained Generation to New Faith Youth by Greg Powell

There is no condemnation. Only new creation Celebration of the unchained generation Word of God incantations Freedom fighter protestations Sword of truth to wicked administrations Natural hair domes like flaming crowns Mind power stomp the devil down Pursue your purpose like the Caleb hound You can be the greatest pound for pound Jesus freed you so you freed indeed To […]

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